Water Animals Name Hindi Mein

Water animals name hindi mein. Dad on march 23 2019. Sound of donkey in hindi parrot sound name in hindi peacock sound in hindi sound of animals in english sound of parrot in hindi language sound of tota in hindi sound of myna bird in hindi sounds of different animals and birds in hindi पकषय क बलय जनवर क बल. Water animals name hindi mein.
Feel free to add other deadly creatures to the comments. Major 40 animals names in Hindi and English with pictures have been recorded into the following video which will also help you to pronounce the name of animals in Hindi correctly. Hindi Flowers name is very important up-to 5th standard and above.
15 पन म रहन वल जनवर क नम Water Animals Name in Hindi English. Ant Eater Cheentiikhor चटखर. Green - हर 5.
You can also read all the Pet Animals Name and Wild Animals Name in Hindi and English. Purple - बगन 9. Flowers name is the most important topiclesson for your child.
You can view the names in Hindi fonts Tamil fonts and English transliteration. Bear भल Bhaloo Ursidae. Water Animals Name In Hindi And English लख म जलय जव क नम और जनकर Water Animals Information ह पन म रहन वल जव क नम यह बतन क परयस ह जवन क शरआत जल स ह मन जत ह पहल एककशकय जव जल म ह.
Oceans name in hindi 1. Buffalo भस Bhains Bubalus bubalis. White - सफद 11.