Strangest Animals In South America

All South American monkeys are believed to be descended from ancestors that rafted over from Africa about 25 million years ago in a single dispersal event.
Strangest animals in south america. Unlike other opossums it has waterproof fur and webbed feet which make swimming easier. They can grow up to 40cm long and although they look quite disconcerting they are actually completely harmless. Coatis are omnivores who usually eat fruits some vegetation and invertebrates but have been.
Build a website for 525mo. Whales suffering from sunburn 24 Awesome Animal Photo Bombs. To quote the 1997 Encyclopedia of Mammals the sloths top speed is a dismal 12 mph Aside from a lack of speed these animals also have faces that seem to be permanently contorted into a silly grin.
Seeing one is undoubtedly cool but make sure to keep your distance. South America is a rich and diverse land. HttpbitlyBBCEarthWWBBC EarthThe BBC Earth YouTube channel is home t.
Tarantula hawks can be found throughout South America and the United States where they make the desert their home. They use thermals to conserve energy sometimes going a whole hour on a single wing flap. Found near freshwater stream and rivers in Mexico and Central and South America this unique animal is locally known as the yapok.
Photos of some interesting animals you might not of ever noticed before. Rare animals south america strange animals unusual animals. Coatimundis also called coatis are related to raccoons and can be found in the southwest US.
Condors scavenge most of what they consume--over 15 pounds in some sittings. An odd extinct mammal that lived in South America during the last ice age had a long neck like a llamas three-toed feet like a rhinos and what may have been a tapir-like trunk. Stunning landscapes harbor elusive critters that have evolved to thrive here.