Farm Animals List In Spanish

Animals los animales.
Farm animals list in spanish. Full List of Animals in Spanish Mamíferos Mammals. What is your favorite farm animal. Bird el pájaro.
You can use task cards for many farm animal activities in Spanish. Use the player below to listen to and repeat the pronunciation of the words in Spanish. That said the feminine can sometimes be used as the generic gender.
Granja La granja tiene muchos animales. Bee hive la colmena. Barn el establo.
Spanish nouns have a gender which is either feminine like la mujer or la luna or masculine like el hombre or el sol. Farm Animals Animales de granja English Inglés Spanish Español Spanunciation Bull Toro búol Cow Vaca káu Chicken Pollo chéken Chick Pollito chek Donkey Burro dánki Goat Cabra góut Horse Caballo jors Pig Cerdo peg Rabbit Conejo rébet Sheep. Farm Animals in Spanish is a booklet that focuses on the names of farm animals and the phrase I like in Spanish.
Pork was Spains most important meat product and the number of pigs grew from 76 million in 1970 to 114 million in 1985. Bull el toro. Domestic meat production failed to meet demand making Spain a net importer of farm animals and meat products.
Mammals birds fishother aquatic animals reptiles amphibians and insectsearth invertebrates. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and try to figure out the grammar behind each sentence. There are many types of printables available to use for farm animal activities in Spanish.