Endangered Marine Animals In Indonesia

Endangered species of the ocean.
Endangered marine animals in indonesia. From the last fisheries of this rare species of fish it was predicted that coelacanth can reach its number of body size up to 17 m in length and 60 kg in weight. So far the area of wildlife conservation in indonesia consists of two conservation. Also known as the closest living relative to the dinosaurs.
Its already extinct in Afghanistan Indonesia only in Bali and Java Iran Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Pakistan Singapore Tajikistan Turkey Turkmenistan Uzbekistan. The Hawksbill Turtle is the most critically endangered of all Sea Turtle species. Mola Mola Commonly known as the sunfish these odd looking fish can be found swimming close to the Indonesian shores within the months of July and November.
2020 saw a significant increase in poaching and illegal activities in part caused by the collapse of the tourism industry. This area also allows access to migratory routes from the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Ongoing threats include oil spills habitat loss food limitations disease entanglement in fishing gear and conflict with shellfish fisheries since otters like mussels clams crabs and other.
In this article we will list some of the marine life you can find in Indonesias waters. Cook cockatoo Cacatua galerita yellow-crested cockatooCsulphurea Tanimbar cockatooCcoffini Maluku CockatooCmoluccensis and the most endangered one King cockatooProbosciger aterrimus. Whales dolphins sharks seabirds and marine turtles are often accidentally caught and suffer as well.
Threats to Marine. In the Coral Triangle the impacts of such bycatch are devastating particularly to endangered marine turtles and sharks and juvenile fish. The World Wide Fund for Nature is working in the Papua area to help these species.
Senyulong crocodile becomes one of the most endangered animals in Indonesia. It is the largest animal on Earth it can weigh up to 170 tones and it is also endangered. Endangered Animals in the Ocean.