Australia Dangerous Animals List

Twenty-seven of those people died.
Australia dangerous animals list. Home Whats New 15 Most Dangerous Animals In Australia. The eastern brown snake is responsible for the most snake-related deaths in Australia. According to a recent report by ABC Science horses and cows are the most dangerous animal in Australia.
Chances are you wont stumble upon any dangerous animals during your stay but you will probably hear about them. Crocodiles kill on average one to two people per year mostly these deaths are through reckless behaviour of the unfortunate victims. The real top ten dangerous animals in Australia 10.
A Field Guide to Australias Deadliest Creatures Box Jellyfish. A beach with a stinger net These are the 10 most dangerous animals in Australia according to HotelClub. Infamous for its high varieties of creepy crawlies Sydney Funnel Web Spider is one of the few Australian animals that you should avoid at all costs.
Australia is a country known for its dangerous animals. The most dangerous Australian animals are the box jellyfish the taipan spiders crocodiles and sharks. Australian Box Jellyfish 6.
One of the more deadly creatures on the face of the Earth the Box Jeallyfish is responsible for 79 out of 81 known jellyfish deaths since 1883 it sounds a lot but thats still less than one death per year. The cassowary is the most dangerous Australian bird. Whilst the three shark species most likely to attack humans are the Great White Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks.
They have toxic venoms that can result in fatality. Tse Tse Fly 8. Brimming with venom this snake should be on your list of deadly wild animals.